
Writings and Witterings

Cutting Back the Tayberries – Edwin Stockdale


Cutting Back the Tayberries

In her head, Granny hears Satie’s Gymnopédie No.1,
the CD Grandpa bought her.

She is pruning the tayberries away
from Galloway Beltie cows.

The stalks beginning to brittle.
She sits on a stool to garden.

She shuffles back to her bungalow
with tiny feet that shrink over time.

Time for her tot, whisky and ginger ale,
with not too much ginger.

She sits on the patio, her back supported,
sips her drink, watches the sun fading.

Edwin Stockdale’s debut pamphlet, Aventurine, was published in September 2014 by Red Squirrel Press.  He has an MA in Creative Writing from the University of Birmingham with Distinction and is researching a PhD in Creative Writing at Leeds Trinity University.

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5 thoughts on “Cutting Back the Tayberries – Edwin Stockdale

  1. Oh, I do like this. It reminds me of my great-aunt but she liked her whiskey neat, Swedish you know. 😂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful. Reminded me of my Nan

    Liked by 1 person

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